What Is Palm Sunday and Why Do Christians Celebrate It?

Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday that falls on the Sunday before Easter. It marks the beginning of Holy Week, which is the week leading up to Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, as recorded in the Bible's New Testament.

According to the Bible, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and the people of Jerusalem welcomed him by waving palm branches and laying them on the ground before him. This was seen as a symbol of their recognition of Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, who had come to deliver them from oppression and establish God's kingdom on earth.

Today, Christians celebrate Palm Sunday by attending church services where they receive blessed palm branches and participate in processions, reenacting Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. The palms are often woven into crosses or other shapes and kept as a reminder of Jesus' sacrifice and triumph over death.

In addition to the triumphal entry, Palm Sunday also serves as a reminder of the events that led up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. As such, it marks the beginning of Holy Week, which is a time of solemn reflection and preparation for Easter. During Holy Week, Christians recall the events of Jesus' last days, including the Last Supper, the betrayal by Judas, the trial before Pilate, and ultimately, his crucifixion and resurrection.

Watch Pastor Steve’s video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/SIqOyB_Gc7U


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