Giving does not only precede receiving; it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we receive.


Your Gift In Support Of Pastor Steve's Mission To Validate, Empower, And Liberate.
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Any amount of financial support will help us to continue this mission of validation, empowerment, and liberation.  What we are trying to do here is to help ordinary people, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, or nationality to apply the timeless principles of faith and philosophy to help solve problems in daily life.  We live in strange times, with various “truths” and various forms of “information” competing for the attention of a stressed, worried, and confused population.  We seek to offer clarity in the form of non-doctrinal, non-denominational humanistic guidance. 

We are actively engaged in debates and discussions as new information illuminates basic questions about early Christian origins.  Our belief is that these basic questions have been largely ignored by the mainstream church and misinterpreted by many evangelical leaders.  We are trying to do our part to set the historic record straight.

We also believe that the events that transpired in the Roman Empire in the first century CE laid the groundwork for many tragic events which would occur in later years, including the horrors of antisemitism, European colonialism, racism, and slavery.  We believe it is time for us all, inside and outside academia, to hold rational discussions regarding these historic realities.  Denial will get us nowhere.  Division and side taking will only make things worse.  Unity will help us solve common problems.

If you share our vision and our hope, we invite you to contribute here to strengthen and encourage our work. 

Any amount helps. 


Blessings & Peace

Pastor Steve